Monday, 28 July 2014

Room 34's Mushrooms

Check out the mushrooms that we grew! We only got the bucket on Thursday and this is how big they were on Monday! Some of us took some home for dinner. Yum! Our mushrooms came from the Te Mata mushroom company.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

The Orchard

Year 2 look after The Orchard. Over the holidays it had become over grown and in need of some TLC.  The children took to The Orchard with shovels and cutters to weed and cut back the plants and grass.  They re-created the pathway and collected the rotten and fallen fruit and tasted the delicious feijoas.

Tadpole's Promise

On Thursday 26th June the Year 2 children preformed their production of 'Tadpole's Promise'.  The night was a huge success with the children sharing their knowledge of life cycles through song, dance and acting.  In the run up to the production the children explored the concept of 'Change' and the life cycles of caterpillars and tadpoles.