Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Year 5 Community Rogaine Event

The year five team are currently planning, designing and making a community Rogaine course so that the Meadowbank community can become more familiar with the areas they live, work and play in.

Rogaine is a type of orienteering where the participants have to find clues on a map and answer questions about the area they find themselves in.  The Year 5 children experienced a day of orienteering during term one as part of our EOTC week and during that week they got to make their own scavenger hunt down at Waiatarua Reserve.

Last term, 24 students, a bunch of parents and Mrs Knarston went along to a schools Rogaine event run by an organization called Lactic Turkey.  Our teams did really well and got to learn more about the event which is more than just hunting for clues.

As part of our topic for this term we are cross grouping into four areas of event planning and construction.  Miss Carryers group are focussing on advertising and the promoting of the event.  Miss Bell's class are coming up with the environmental activity stations that are part of the course and earn each group more points on the day.  Mrs Knarston's class are finding and mapping the clues and Miss Bryant's class are digitalising the clues and creating a smart device version of the course.  The school event will be in Term Four and we hope it will become an annual fundraiser for Meadowbank School.

In week 6 we have a trip out to Ambury farm where we will all be participating in a Rogaine event!

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