Friday, 17 May 2013

Gully Working Bee

On Wednesday Rm 32 helped Mike shift gravel from the truck to the gully in buckets, because the gully gravel looked old and too plain, it was also getting too messy and there was hardly any left. It was hard and heavy work, so Telecom workers volunteered to help us. The gravel is brand new and it looks better down in the gully. Sometimes we had to remove small plants or sticks because they would get in the way.

Fiama, Ella, Rokas, Darlene and Holly tried to bring a cart full of full buckets down the hill, but it almost rode down by itself so it was pretty scary.
Everyone was tired by the end so we all did Topic and came back to tip buckets at the end of the day.
                                                   Stella and Ella are having lots of fun!
                                                    Mike is helping to fill up the buckets!
                                                 Here are some Telecom volunteers!
Here comes Mikayla and Ryan with
their empty buckets!

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