Friday, 10 May 2013

In the Beginning

The Year 1s went for a walk with Mrs Elmore around Meadowbank School and through the gully to look at the Pou’s. It was a very wet day but we learnt so much.

Before we left we first read the book “In the Beginning” so that we had some understanding about the Pou and what they mean to us and how they represent the guardians who look after our earth. 

We first looked at the Pou outside Room 9. This Pou is called Haumia and represents the guardian of wild foods.

We then looked at the Pou near the path leading over the bridge this Pou is called Rango and represents the guardian of peace and foods we eat from the garden. 

Then we went into the Gully and looked at the Pou that is so tall it can almost reach the sky. 

This is called Rangi and represents the guardian who split the earth and the sky.

Next we went on to look at the Pou near the tennis courts. This one is called Tawhirimatea and represents the guardian of wind. On the Pou it has little patterns engraved so it feels and looks like the wind is blowing.

Then we went to one more Pou which was by the hall. This Pou is called Tangaroa and she is the guardian of the sea and sea creatures. She has some shapes engraved in her that look and feel like water.

After this trip to the gully the Year 1 begun describing each of the guardians in the story. We have learnt when writing these stories that we have not only got the Maori guardians that look after our earth but that we can be guardians of our enviroment too!

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